-- This website was created: 12/17/2010 *Updates are frequent! Check out our "Updates" tab for more info.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New Guild Content Coming Soon...

Estraz's Guild has new guild content coming to members!

- Trophies / Badges: These will only be given to members with major accomplishments. Trophies and Badges increase your points intake by percentage, and they give you permanent discounts to use in the Achievement Store. These trophies and badges are contained in a website, the website will be exposed soon!

- Guild Bank: Level 53+ Items are coming to the guild bank soon!

- Achievements: New achievements are coming to the website, the achievements section will also go through some upgrades and improvements.

- Support: A support button will be added to the website so you can easily report website errors or guild problems.

Direct Feed: A direct feed to Spacetime Studio's Forum will be added to the website so you can quickly view new threads or posts from "Spacetimestudios.com". 

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