-- This website was created: 12/17/2010 *Updates are frequent! Check out our "Updates" tab for more info.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Better Than Ever

We're back better than ever. Most members have probably noticed our work process within the guild has slowed dramatically, "why?" you may ask. Homework (mid-term studies) has slowed down our gaming / guild running. Our first priority is now getting everything caught up. We have received a few complaints about organization / efforts. Organization and effort is not the real problem here, if we weren't organized we wouldn't have records on everything and run massive guilds for 10+ multi-player games. Joe & Teana's number 1 motto is "Homework before play". We're are all in art college working for degrees so we can join or start our own game developing studio. Joe, Teana, and the rest of us got graded no less than a B- on our mid-term studies. Thank you for understanding.

- Jake G.

Congratulations Magicalx for winning the "Suicidal Tanking" event.

- I have ranked up some players!

- Mark T.

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