-- This website was created: 12/17/2010 *Updates are frequent! Check out our "Updates" tab for more info.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


The guild has been successfully sold for 8million coins. Joe and I have been working hard to obtain our college degrees. We are at our busiest moment right now and we do not have time to manage any of our MMO guilds. If you would like to continue to speak to Joe or I, please head over to Tremulous.net, and download Tremulous. It's free, It's fun, and It's a FFS. {Join Server "X" and you might just pass by our user name "wisp"} -- DO TO SPACETIME STUDIOS' Terms of Service I am not allowed to sell my Pocket Legend account, but it didn't say anything about selling guilds. 

- The guild has been sold to player "COOKIES" 

- Guild donations are still being held by Joe and I, we might give members 50% of their donations back the next time we get on,

- COOKIES already payed me 8 MILLION COINS

- The guild name is changing to "Gods of Alterra"

- If you are the first to see our character "Estraz" next time we get on, be the first to shout "HALF A MILLION" to us, and Joe or I will give you 500k gold. 


"We would like to thank everyone who has given our guild a try, and we share full respect with high ranks and members that have stayed with us since the start of the guild on 12/07/2010. We are so sorry we have to leave everyone under this convenience, but It's for the best of our futures. The guild was getting good, but after the 8 million gold COOKIES offered us and all the homework that was piling on us, we couldn't resist. We will no longer be using the SPACETIME STUDIOS forums, guild forums, guild website, trophy website, and worst of all, you will rarely see our character ESTRAZ on pocket legends anymore. All guild websites / guild forums / guild plans / guild events / 50% guild secrets / membership portfolios, have been transferred to player "COOKIES". If you want to speak to Joe or I please post your comments on this post, and we will leave a comment for you. Joe and I loose total guild administration power on 3/25/2011. Good luck everyone with the guild, and I hope COOKIES treat you well."


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Update CheckList

Trophy & Badge Website:

Lotto Numbers:

736, 666, 933, 530, 113 - No Winners Detected

UPDATES In process...

- Check Messages: 5/79 -- 7:52PM
- Add new members: 0%
- Post Trophy / Badge Website: 100% POSTED -- 7:35PM
- Post Help Page: 50% -- 7:50PM
- Newsletter: 100% POSTED -- 7:44PM
- Rank Up Members: 0%
- Give Achievement Points: 0%
- Check Member Stats: 100% CHECKED -- 7:22PM
- Post Guild Video Created By Member SandyxRavage: 0%
- Post 5 Lotto Numbers: 100% POSTED -- 7:58PM
- Check Guild Forums: 0%

Last Updated: 7:59PM


NEW GUILD CONTENT WILL BE EXPOSED BY: 8:00PM Tuesday, March 15, 2011. 
[Detroit, Michigan. USA TIMEZONE]

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Congratulation Arcanastorm for winning the "Alien Hunting" Event!

Most players waiting to be members have asked why the number of members haven't changed. Right now my guild's staff Is working on new content for the guild. Estraz's Guild will temporary be down for 2 weeks. Everything should be done on 3/16/2011. 5 random lotto numbers will be drawn when we return.

What Estraz's Staff is working on:

- Finishing up the trophy and badges website
- Adding further complications to member portfolios 
- Update Log is going to be replaced with something else
- Major Backup (Everything is going to be backed up)

We are doing this to all our other guilds in World of Warcraft [pc], Call of Duty: MW2 [xbox 360], Age of Empires 3 [pc], Runescape [pc], Tails of Pirates [pc], World of KungFu [pc], Tremulous [pc], etc...

Durning the upgrading process Estraz's staff will not be able to respond to messages, add new members, run events, rank up players, or give achievement points.

What members can do while Estraz's staff is away:

- Successfully Run your own guild events [12 million points]

Please delay advertising the guild until we are done, we have 40+ players in line waiting to be a member.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


90 members... The new ones won't be accepted as easy. Joining the guild is a longer process now.

Questions Answered / NOTICE

Question: Why is the scoresheet for the guild event being posted after the event is over?
Answer: To prevent other hosts from looking at the scores and using them for unfair play.

Question: When do you rank up members?
Answers: Sundays, and the day after guild events are over.

Do to the lack of members participating in Major guild events, we are only gonna run Major guild events monthly. We will also extend the Major events to run for a week. Minor guild events will still run weekly with prizes.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New Guild Content Coming Soon...

Estraz's Guild has new guild content coming to members!

- Trophies / Badges: These will only be given to members with major accomplishments. Trophies and Badges increase your points intake by percentage, and they give you permanent discounts to use in the Achievement Store. These trophies and badges are contained in a website, the website will be exposed soon!

- Guild Bank: Level 53+ Items are coming to the guild bank soon!

- Achievements: New achievements are coming to the website, the achievements section will also go through some upgrades and improvements.

- Support: A support button will be added to the website so you can easily report website errors or guild problems.

Direct Feed: A direct feed to Spacetime Studio's Forum will be added to the website so you can quickly view new threads or posts from "Spacetimestudios.com". 


- Rank 3 requirements changed

- Note added (highlighted in yellow) right before rank 8 starts

Monday, February 28, 2011

Alien Hunting

The scoresheets will no longer be posted until the event is over.

- The guild's video music has changed (it no longer plays that head-aching jazz music)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

"Scavenger" Event Ended

Members can now claim their prizes.

1st place: 5,000,000 achievement points (x2 bonus) & 10k -- ID Required

2nd place: 1mil achievement points (x2 bonus) & a secret prize

3rd place: 1mil achievement points (x2 bonus) & a secret prize

Everyone else that participated in the event: 1mil points (x2 bonus)

Points will be given on: 2/23/2011

"Scavenger" Event Scoresheet

Prize Status: Claimed

1. Fatpigwarrior: [Points: 102] 
4 green, 3 purple, 3 pink - 8min 36sec [110 points for items, -8 points for time]

2. COOKIES: [Points: 99]
5 green, 2 purple, 3 pink - 6min 14sec [105 points for items, -6 points for time]

3. Zhaiascibaj: [Points: 86] 
3 green, 2 purple, 3 pink - 9min 2sec [95 points for items, -9 points for time]

4. Magicalx: [Points: 84] 
6 green, 2 purple, 2 pink - 6min 56sec [90 points for items, -6 points for time]

5. Shazoo: [Points: 83] 
2 green, 4 purple, 2 pink - 7min 38sec [90 points for items, -7 points for time]

6. Arcanastorm: [Points: 75] 
4 green, 2 purple, 2 pink - 5min 53sec [80 points for items, -5 points for time]

7. Sandyxravage: [Points: 74] 
3 green, 3 purple, 2 pink - 11min 0sec [85 points for items, -11 points for time]

8. Roghog: [Points: 73] 
6 green, 1 purple, 2 pink - 7min 34sec [80 points for items, -7 points for time]

9. Magicalbanana: [Points: 70] 
5 green, 3 purple, 1 pink - 5min 55sec [75 points for items, -5 points for time]